Empowering young Girls
The world has changed! The social walls of deprivation have been pulled down by digital technologies.

GirlsCoding is the Calvary matching into the slums, orphanages and other underserved communities to bring young girls into these new realities.
70% of Nigerians live under a dollar a day, we believe we can bridge that poverty gap, by giving each girl a functional IT skill. We have enlisted the support of small tech companies, NGOs doing similar and interested individuals to girls from the most impoverished communities a chance at changing their destiny.
GirlsCoding is an intense program for young girls, aged 10-17, living in underserved communities in Nigeria; to train them in computer skills, robotics, programming using HTML and Java, connect them to female mentors and then connect to tech companies on internship. GirlsCoding makes use of brain tasking puzzles from code.org and coding dojo to get our girls started and interested in the program.
Our Projects
Girls Coding Makoko
GirlsCoding IDP Camp
GirlsCoding Jos
Lady Lab/Dev Center
Our team of experts

Our Project
A flagship project of the organization that empowers underserved and underrepresented girls (age 7 -17) with tech skills in the computer programming. It is a hands-on learning program building digital literacy skills, especially coding and analytical skills in young girls. Courses covered include HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Python. Training sessions take place every working day after school and Saturday during the school terms and daily vacations. It’s important for young girls to know how to be creative with technology and not just be delegated to being just users and consumers of it forever. As a result, we believe every young girls deserves to be tech-savvy. We believe that through the series of technology training, computer programming, mentoring and internship opportunities with technology startups offered at GirlsCoding, vulnerable young girls will have a voice and be economically empowered to break from the norm of their community.
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